I Kissed the BUMPER
|Early morning, I have to attend one day course kat STC, so, I took jalan paling dekat, coz, its some light rainy day (cam renyai). Suddenly, keat depan aku emergency break, aper lagi, dah la tengah-tengah jalan, so, aku pun emergency break.
But, dah tak sempat dah, alih alih keta aku, sondol jer bumper blakang keta dia… Oh &^%^&%$$^$& . So I kissed the bumper.
After some nego, we dicided to setel it.
Then, petang karang nak kena pegi hantar keta ker BENGKEL.., nak tanya, how much it will cost for repair…???
Nasib baik Zamani pun nak ke bengkel tanya nak ketuk n cat keta dia.. So, we went together. After estimated, I tak jadi buat kat bengkel tu coz aku rasakan to expensive. Ada ke dia estimated repair macam ni dalam RM2K? Bumper, Grill, Lamps n Labour Chargers.
Kena cari bengkel lain la nampaknya… Nasib baik kereta masih boleh bergerak…
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That’s a great story. Waiting for more. »
Best regards from NY! » » »